Davis & Brusca, LLC
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Michael Brusca
Michael Brusca from Davis & Brusca Trial Lawyers wants to make a difference in the world by helping those who have sustained abuse and neglect in nursing homes, assisted living homes, group living, and the like. He believes justice needs to be served to those who have suffered or watched a loved one suffer in one of these residences, and works with both law enforcement and other attorneys to start changing the rules so that vulnerable people can be protected. He is currently serving on the Executive Board of the national Nursing Home Litigation Group for the American Association for Justice. He lectures across the United States to other attorneys, in the hope that other lawyers can use the strategies he has found to be successful in court to hold these institutions accountable for caring for their residents properly.
As a Cherry Hill, NJ nursing home lawyer, Michael has personally experienced what it is like having a loved one injured and eventually pass away due to negligence in an assisted living home. He is sympathetic to his clients and can relate to their struggles and pain. Since 2009 he has honed in on nursing home abuse law so that he can make a difference in the world. He is one of the only attorneys in New Jersey whose practice is concentrated on nursing home law.
In the past, Michael served as a Judge Advocate in the United States Air Force and tried cases all around the world. For example, he had several cases in Japan, Qatar, and Kuwait. He also was lead counsel for the plaintiff in the famous case of Dwyer v. Harborview, which generated the largest nursing home verdict to date in New Jersey. This case ended up settling for a different amount on appeal, but was monumental in setting new standards for nursing homes everywhere.
Title: Differences Between Long-Term Care and Healthcare Facilities
Recorded: 07/2021
Title: Dangers of UTI’s in Elder Care Facilites
Recorded: 03/2022
Title: Pressure Injury AKA Bedsores
Recorded: 02/2024
Title: Signs of Trouble
Recorded: 03/2024
Title: Nursing Home Falls
Recorded: 04/2024
Title: Dietary and Malnutrition in a Nursing Home
Recorded: 05/2024
Title: Staffing and Nursing Homes
Recorded: 06/2024